2006 world cup!

reza, allan and i had a blast watching the opening game of the 2006 world cup in munich this morning. the press room (downtown santa barbara) was hopping!
holga 35mm modifiction

holga 35mm modifiction

because 35mm film is smaller that the medium format 120 film that the holga was designed for, you get a cool effect of the image bleeding across the 35mm sprocket holes. view examples of photos i have taken with my holga… click below for text notes… text...

365 days of photoblogging at zinkwazi.com

today is the 365th day of operation for my photoblog! thanks to all the folks who have stopped by and left a word of encouragement in the form of a comment or have taught me a thing or two about photography along the way. in feb 2005 i borrowed a digital slr camera...